On Leadership
Excerpt from "5 Keys to Inspiring Leadership, No Matter Your Style" by Gwen Moran
Excerpt from "5 Keys to Inspiring Leadership, No Matter Your Style" by Gwen Moran
What is more important, mission or method? Truth is both are important. But, too often, we get caught up in methods, systems, and processes and before we know it, we have lost sight of what [...]
Authenticity is a popular buzz word among today's leadership circles. And, rightfully so. It is not only a relevant topic but a necessary one particularly in today’s ever-changing, fast-paced world of Internet and social media [...]
In a recent group conversation, one of the participants stood up to ask a question and to gain clarity on how he could encourage his friends to do better. The answer: the best way to [...]
Many say leaders are passionate. It is true. Leaders are passionate. They are zealous, even fanatic, about their pursuits. But, effective leaders know that passion gets you nowhere without vision. Vision is “the act or [...]
Thinking of getting involved in your community? Not sure where to begin? Fret not, here are a few tips to help you in your efforts of engaging your community. Take it slow. Our communities have [...]
Last week, I attended a Chick-fil-A Leadercast host site at First Baptist Church Fort Lauderdale courtesy of a new friend, Norman Kravitz of Phoenix Package Logistics. To start, I want to thank Norman. I was [...]